Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Los distintos tipos de interpretación

Have you been frustrated by going to my academia.edu page (https://independent.academia.edu/BHARRIS or click here) in search of the above article and finding that it was unreadable? I'm sorry. It was due to a problem that occurs more and more with old texts. The word processing software, in this case Microsoft Word, has changed over the years and there are applications, in this case Scribd, that don't accept all the conversions. I've now put it right for this article, I hope, so please try again. Nevertheless the conversion has left some typos and I don't have the patience to correct them all for the moment.

It's the Spanish translation of an English article that's also on my academia.edu page. The Spanish version was published in its day but the English one never was. However, an Italian professor who read the English version recently, Gabi Mack of Bologna-Forli, tells me that it's still of interest. Tha could be, because it aimed to be all-embracing and up to date at a time (1994) when most of the recent developments in interpreting had already appeared. What has changed, I think, in the twenty years since it was written is the relative importance of certain types. Distance interpreting, and especially telephone interpreting, have become more widespread and accepted. Yet they are still surprisingly little taught in university training courses. There's a serious time lag.

'Panorámica de los distintos tipos de interpretación', translated by M. G. Torres. In P. Fernández Nistal and J.M. Bravo (eds.), Perspectivas de la Traducción Inglés/Español: Tercer Curso Superior de Traducción, Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain, 1995, pp. 27-48.

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